It was also the first time that I had ever been fired from a job. I can remember the first meeting I had with my boss after the State Fair. He fed me some bullshit about what was going to happen and he told me to check my email a lot for events and what have you. I continued to check my email for events and maybe a list of things that need to get done but I never got that email, or any other emails for that matter. So, like any good employee would do when they didn't know what to accomplish that day, I sat around and watched youtube videos and checked my fantasy teams. So I was let go.
Have I told you that I have a puppy? Well, I do. And she is an attention whore. That is another reason why I have been lazy I suppose. I will try to sit down and write and Lucy will start whining about me not looking at her. So I have to pick my spots to do homework (which I don't do much of anyway) and when to post on here. Lucy is getting very big and still has a lot to grow which is scary. Right now she weighs approximately 40 pounds and 30 more can be expected in the coming months. She is now potty trained (after some funny incidents) and has learned a few tricks. I have stockpiled some pictures from our walks that I will unveil to the world sometime soon.
What else is there to get caught up on? The Vikes look good, although I couldn't care either way. My boy Brandon Jennings is awesome, like I knew he would be. School is school, which I never go to. That's about it. Hopefully I will update this more often but until then...
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