Tuesday, July 21, 2009

On a lighter note...

...kinda. It's currently 3:45 am and while writing the last post about the game that shall not be mentioned I was watching VH1. No, the T.O. show wasn't on (but you can bet your ass that I will be an avid follower. What a great concept, a must watch if you like to watch self-absorbed people being "real") but this music video was. MGMT is a band that has one cd really, although it was a big one. Their biggest hit was a song by the name of "Kids". This is the music video...

Crazy huh? I still don't know what to think of it. But then I also thought, "Who makes music video's anymore, and if you do...why? What's the point?"

On a related note, remember the Slap Chop Rap that I showed y'all a few weeks back...you don't? Oh well here you are...

Well over 4 million viewers have seen it on youtube and it is now a commercial for the actually product. No lie folks. Watch VH1 after 3 am, I bet you see it.

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