Chronicles of Lucy
Lucy was a rare find. In fact, she wasn't even my first choice of pup.
It was Friday morning and I was browsing Craigslist before work when I stumbled upon a male lab/pit mix for $50 and the seller wanted it gone asap. So I contacted the guy known as "Bob" at around 10:30 while at work. "Bob" seemed nice but he wanted the dog gone quickly because he "was going up north that weekend". He said this because I asked if I could see the pup sometime during the weekend to purchase it. He told me to call him back after I was done with work (which I told him would be 5 o'clock) and I did. Only I got off 2 and a half hours early that day. So I called "Bob" at 2:30 and left him a message since he didn't pick up. An hour passed and I called again, still no answer. I think I called at least seven times and not once did "Bob" pick up....
First, ok I get it "Bob", you probably sold the dog to someone while I was at work crushing my hopes and dreams. But c'mon... Have some balls and pick up your phone to tell me that you sold the dog. I'm not one to call someone out but you sir, are a coward. Second, I'm glad you didn't pick up because it led me to Lucy.
After "Bob" didn't pick up I perused the intranet for hours looking for a lab/pit puppy. Many dead leads discouraged me and after I almost broke my hand out of frustration towards NBA 2K9 I felt pretty crappy about the day in general. Then I was looking through more Craigslist posts and Lucy's ad somehow caught my eye. There were no pictures listed but it was for a 8 week old lab/pit mix so I called the poster and turns out that the dog was still available.
The next morning I went to pick her up (without seeing what she looks like) and from the moment I saw her run out that door I was hooked. Now if I can only get her to not pee on the rug...
It was Friday morning and I was browsing Craigslist before work when I stumbled upon a male lab/pit mix for $50 and the seller wanted it gone asap. So I contacted the guy known as "Bob" at around 10:30 while at work. "Bob" seemed nice but he wanted the dog gone quickly because he "was going up north that weekend". He said this because I asked if I could see the pup sometime during the weekend to purchase it. He told me to call him back after I was done with work (which I told him would be 5 o'clock) and I did. Only I got off 2 and a half hours early that day. So I called "Bob" at 2:30 and left him a message since he didn't pick up. An hour passed and I called again, still no answer. I think I called at least seven times and not once did "Bob" pick up....
First, ok I get it "Bob", you probably sold the dog to someone while I was at work crushing my hopes and dreams. But c'mon... Have some balls and pick up your phone to tell me that you sold the dog. I'm not one to call someone out but you sir, are a coward. Second, I'm glad you didn't pick up because it led me to Lucy.
After "Bob" didn't pick up I perused the intranet for hours looking for a lab/pit puppy. Many dead leads discouraged me and after I almost broke my hand out of frustration towards NBA 2K9 I felt pretty crappy about the day in general. Then I was looking through more Craigslist posts and Lucy's ad somehow caught my eye. There were no pictures listed but it was for a 8 week old lab/pit mix so I called the poster and turns out that the dog was still available.
The next morning I went to pick her up (without seeing what she looks like) and from the moment I saw her run out that door I was hooked. Now if I can only get her to not pee on the rug...
Hell Freezes Over
If you haven't heard the news by now, my hat is off to you because you have successfully voided yourself of all Brett Favre talk. And I don't blame you. Number 4 is back and officially a Viking. It's weird, I'm not gonna lie. It should have happened last year but the Pack were brilliant in putting that poison pill into the Jets deal. As a fair weather Vikings fan obviously this is a great move in that the Vikings have a window to win a championship and it's nice to see a Minnesota franchise take the initiative to go out and get that missing piece to compete for a championship (you hear that Twins?).
There's not much to say here since so much has already been said about Brett Favre over the last few months. I'm not going to predict a victory in the Super Bowl for the Vikes because we all know how hard that is for the Purple People Eaters but don't they have to be top contenders in the NFC? Obviously I'll have more to say when the time is right ( NFL Preview Column) but for the time being, skol Vikings.
Cris Carter had some strong words for all involved and I have to agree with the touchdown maker on all of his points. Take a look...
There's not much to say here since so much has already been said about Brett Favre over the last few months. I'm not going to predict a victory in the Super Bowl for the Vikes because we all know how hard that is for the Purple People Eaters but don't they have to be top contenders in the NFC? Obviously I'll have more to say when the time is right ( NFL Preview Column) but for the time being, skol Vikings.
Cris Carter had some strong words for all involved and I have to agree with the touchdown maker on all of his points. Take a look...
This has nothing to do with AP running through the Pack's weak 3-4 D. Tornadoes touched down in Minneapolis today. Right near downtown. Close to me. I thought that kind of stuff doesn't happen in big cities but obviously mother nature had other plans. Chase joked (and I agreed) that God was mad at Brett Favre for signing with the Vikes and so He retaliated with tornadoes. Sounds legit enough for me. I hope no one was seriously hurt and that those effected have a speedy recovery.
Anyway, here are some pictures that I stole from the intranet and put on my blog of some damage...

Anyway, here are some pictures that I stole from the intranet and put on my blog of some damage...

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