Tuesday, May 12, 2009

TT: Finals

In honor of everyone's favorite time of the school semester, I'm going to hate on finals.

I understand the reasoning behind the concept of finals. You learn throughout the semester. You take tests to show how much you learn. Then when that semester comes to a close you take another test to show what you have learned (or how much you can cram into your head the night before) during that entire semester. Some teachers make their finals impossible while others make a joke out of them. Sometimes finals are cumulative (meaning information given throughout the semester has the potential to be on the test) while some finals are really not finals at all but just the final test of that semester.

Usually by this point I'm so tired of that class that it is hard to sit down and study for a particular final (I have my own reservations about how the schooling system works but that is for another column). Finals are dumb for three reasons:
  1. They don't really acuratly show what/if you have learned that semester. Most of the time people just cram whatever info that they think will be on the test into their brains the night before (like I did)
  2. They are pointless and people that freak out about them need to relax. If you have tested well throughout the semester and have done a good job keeping up with the class and your grade then why are you freaking out about a final of that class? You know the material chill out.
  3. They take away from prime sport watching. Take last night for example, if I was a better student I would have missed out on Lebron and Ovie v Sid...C'mon finals, you should know better
Finals may be important to some but they are about 32422 on my list of importance. Best of luck to you all with your finals and to all of my friends graduating in a few days.

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