Monday, June 08, 2009

The Hangover: The Review

I went to go see The Hangover this weekend and I have to say, I had a lot of expectations for this movie. I stumbled across the preview for the movie on Apple Trailers months ago and Chase and I have wanted to see it ever since.

The Hangover is a movie directed by Todd Phillips (Old School, Road Trip) and stars Justin Bartha as Doug, a man about to get married, Zach Galifianakis as Allen, Doug's new brother in law, Bradley Cooper as Phil, Doug's friend and sly thinker of the group and Ed Helms as Stu, Doug's other friend and a doctor (of dentristy).

By far the best character in the movie is Allen. Before actually seeing the movie, I was curious as to how Galifianakis would be in a movie such as this. What type of person would he become? Well, he turned out to be a socially awkward man that is not allowed near schools, or children for that matter. Why? Well I'm not sure since they never gave us the answer in the movie.

Anyway, throughout the movie Allen takes a special liking to Phil. He wants to be like him because he is the cool one of the group. Allen copies most everything the Phil does at the end of the movie and the final scene is pretty funny as well (don't want to give it away). Perhaps the most underrated character in the movie is baby Carlos. He only appears for 20 minutes or so but the facial expressions made by that baby were classic and perfectly timed. I'd give him 3 or 4 years before he is in rehab for reaching stardom too quickly.

The movie itself was better then I expected. The movie industry hasn't produced a good comedy in years and I thought that The Hangover would be like all the rest...a few good laughs here or there but otherwise very forgettable (cough Land of the Lost cough). The Hangover was kind of like Blue's Clues, but for adults. The characters in the movie do not remember what happened to them the night before and are also missing their buddy Doug (you know, the man that is about to get married. Speaking of him getting married, something that I will never understand with movies and bachelor parties is...why do they have them the same weekend that the groom is suppose to be wed? Doesn't that seem like a terrible idea? Why in movies does this happen? And when it does happen in movies has there ever been a bachelor party that doesn't go wrong somehow?).

The friends piece together the previous night and find that they stole a cop car, stole mike tyson's tiger from his house, kidnapped a tiny-foul mouthed asian and Stu managed to pull his tooth out in the process. I don't want to give out too much because it is a good movie and you should go watch it. I'd give it a 4 out of 5 stars because it didn't turn into a romantic comedy like Wedding Crashers did. Yeah, I said it. I don't like Wedding Crashers.


Michelle said...

You dont' like Wedding Crashers???? ...ummm Why do you have America???

Michelle said...

and by have I mean Hate haha