Tuesday, June 23, 2009

TT: Double Trouble

I was a little torn as to what this Tuesday's trash would go to so I decided to give the award to two things this week. Both can be considered serious but only one of them I am truly disappointed in.

A sorry sight

First let me start with something that, if you are like me, happens way too often in warm temperatures. No, I'm not talking about this...I'm talking about the round, wet area under my arms. Yes, I am talking about pit stains.

Is there something out there that is more embarrassing? Especially since you have no control over it really. I think I have tried so many different kinds of deodorant that my sweat has built up some immunity to them. I've tried invisible gels, invisible solids, visible solids. Based on a recommendation I've even tried gels (they don't work all that well) (On a side note: the weird thing about this phenomenon is that I sweat under my right arm much more then under my left. I don't know why. That's just the way it is. Things will never be the same. (Miss ya Pac))

Sam and I took our first class together last fall and it is where we met "The Doctor". I would always joke about how the Doctor wanted him, sexually. That, along with how Sam had the same feelings for her. Sam eventually came around and started to joke with me about it so it was all in fun. The next semester I had her as a teacher for one of my classes and every class (Thursdays) I would text Sam that she was looking good for her and how he is jealous that I have a class with her. He would usually text me something back along the lines of "oh yeah, niiiice. Tell her I say hi". Of course, I never did (sorry Sam).

So what does the Doctor have to do with pit stains? Well do the math...

The spring came. The temperatures rose. Sweat was collected under selected said armpits of the Doctor. Sam wept silently.

Bad Goslin, Bad

The last trash goes to the Goslins. Now, before I starts ranting, I should let you know that I did not see Monday's episode of Jon and Kate Plus 8 because I was at Transformers 2: Michael Baysplosion! so I don't know all of what was said, but seriously, you (because I'm sure Jon and/or Kate will read this and because of that I am addressing them personally) let a taste of the celebrity life ruin your marriage and most importantly you ruined a budding family that appeared to be so loving.

Jon first stirred up all of this with his sneaking around with one of the children's teacher which, yeah, was dumb and wrong and bad, blah blah. But like I wrote WEEKS AGO, Kate is crazy. It's weird to look at her now when just a year ago she looked totally different (thanks TLC - love, Kate)

Lesson learned...people need to listen to me more or else bad things will happen. What if one of the Goslins stumbled upon my humble little blog and read what I wrote? Would it have changed anything? Well, I guess we will never know now will we?

1 comment:

Cheeto said...

Andrew, the doctor is a highly respected individual...I would appreciate it if you didn't talk about her pit stains...thank you