Before everyone gets on my ass about bashing this couple, let me air some things out. First of all, I used to be a big, big fan of the show. I've been secretly watching the show for years so I know how things used to be between these two. So back off.
Next, I say I used to be a fan because, well, I don't watch the show anymore. How can you? In the beginning seasons it was refreshing to see a real relationship on tv. These two weren't perfect, but perhaps they were perfect for eachother. Kate was a controlling, germophobe of a wife/mother and Jon was the laid back husband/father that actually wanted his children to have some fun in their lives.
While perhaps Kate's antics made things run smoother, but how much time/energy was saved? My guess is not that much. Kate basically ran the show while Jon sat there and was a puppet. So Jon did what any rational person would do...fall for the young, hot school teacher.
The monster that has become Kate is so attention starved and loves the spotlight so much that these two have become famous for being normal parents with eight children. Only in America can this happen. Yes, I'm sure the perks of having a successful television show are limitless and I'm guessing that it has made raising the children that much easier (do you think that they paid for all of the trips that they went on? C'mon now.) but where do you stop? What will cause these two (specifically Kate) to realize that their children are more important then their fame and tv show? Hopefully it happens soon because my heart goes out to the kids.
The kids have been exposed to the nation since they were born and I say its time to turn off the cameras. Jon and Kate, work on your relationship instead of being on the covers of magazines. TLC, realize that you could be tearing a family apart and pull the plug before it gets too ugly. Parenting is no joke and I still think that it is the most important thing that someone will do (if they have children) with their life. Once you have kids your focus should turn to them, not yourself. But what do I know, I don't have any kids. At least I don't think so....
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