Thursday, June 11, 2009

To the guy that just flipped me the bird...

First off, why? I didn't do anything wrong to make you mad, and I definitely did not do anything to provoke you to flick me off. Also you are not setting a good example for the two little girls that you have in your car.

Ok let's set the scene...I was driving to work on a beautiful Thursday morning and I have to take I-35 to 94W. This requires me to merge from one highway onto the next. This usually isn't a large task but as a side note, there is another lane that merges with the merging lane to form one super merging lane. With me? Well for me to get onto 94, I have to cross the other merging lane. And that's where things got interesting...

So before I get into the 2nd merging lane, I look to see that this silver station wagon going slightly slower then I was (the car was next to me and I was about a half car in front of him) so I turn on my signal to let the guy know that I need to get over. As I do this he speeds up instead of slowing down just a bit to let me in front of him (yes, he is one of those guys).

Noticing that I am running out of lane space, I have to put on my brakes in order to get behind him. Now, I forgot to say that this guy could have merged onto 94 at anytime during this ordeal because there was no one in the lane next to him, but for some reason he thought that it would be a good idea to "teach me a lesson". As I slowed down in hopes of merging, I looked to my left and I see the guy flick me off. For what? For doing everything right? My bad sir.

This usually is where the story ends but not with this guy. I finally merge in behind him and proceed to merge into the fast lane, two lanes away from this guy. Of course he proceeds to merge into the middle as I pass him. While passing him I give him "the look" and he gave me the gesture of "the road is now yours" but sarcastically. I had to shake my head in disbelief. I will admit sometimes I like to go fast and drive Chicago style as I like to call it. But today was not one of those instances.

Good job sir, you probably taught your daughters new words and gestures today. I hope they use them on you in the future. Have a nice day!

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