Friday, April 10, 2009

Minnesota: Land of the Cold Air

The seasons are a changin'. The sun is peaking his (the sun is obviously a man) head out from behind the clouds and shining down on all of us. Soon the ladies will be out and about in sun dresses and everything will be right with the world. Minnesota is known to have terrible winters, terrible construction, and terrible autumns but all of that is behind us now (well sans the construction, that will always be around). Spring is here!

In Minnesota, when spring hits the whole state goes through a transformation. Imagine that Minnesota is a caterpillar locked in its cocoon all winter and when spring comes we burst out of that damn cocoon that has held us back and we get to spread our wings and soak up the sun. And soak up the sun we do. At the first sign of 50 degrees we Minnesotans are outside with shorts on and thinking that it is the greatest weather ever. Now, if you ask someone from California if they want to go outside when it is 50 degrees they probably will laugh at you. But screw you California, we like our sunshine.

It is widely known that Minnesotans know how to take full advantage of the nice weather, since we only get about 5 months to enjoy it. We go fishing. We go to our cabins and get out on the boat. We run around lakes. We watch baseball outside...wait that's next year. We get on our longboards and carve. We have cookouts. So get outside Minnesota while you still can. You never know, it may snow tomorrow.

"If people laugh and giggle when you tell them where you live....say shh"

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