Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tuesday Trash: Potholes

Where do I even begin with potholes? For starters they are one of the worst hazards while driving. How many times have you been driving along, singing your favorite song at the top of your lungs when all of a sudden you feel like you just attacked by the Taliban. Your cd skips and you are left wondering what the hell just happened and if your tires are alright. Seriously, what the fuck. The only explanation I have ever received about potholes is that they form because of all of the salt and other crap that erode our roads and driving over them repeatedly is no good for them. I say that is crap. Give me more (thanks wikipedia)

If pot holes were able to talk I would like to have a conversation with one of them. Something along these lines...

Me: "Hey pothole, what's up?"

Pot Hole: "Oh not much just hanging out, I might mess up some cars later if you want to join me."

Me: "Yeah, I've been meaning to ask you about that...what is your deal man? What have I ever done to you?"

PH: "Don't take it personally, it's just what I do."

Me: "But you can change...I believe in you."

PH: "I like the way I am, actually I have been thinking about possibly getting bigger and deeper. What do you think?"

At this point is where I summon in the tar crew and cover up that jackass pot hole. Yeah how do you like them apples. Potholes do not look like they will be done away with anytime soon. Is there nothing else out there that we can make roads out of? Maybe some material that will not destroy our cars because they are faulty? Just askin'.

Just let me carve pothole, just let me carve.

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