Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Tuesday Trash: Pitchers Hitting in Baseball

Seriously. Why does Major League Baseball force this on us. What did we ever do to them? The American League was smart when Rule 6.10 was enacted in 1973. After years and years of watching pitchers do this basically, the AL had a plan. This is how I think it played out...

American League: "Hey Major League Baseball..."

MLB: "Yes, American League?"

AL: "We have an idea that would make baseball more fun to watch and improve the game. It's kinda out there, but we think it will work."

MLB: "Oh yeah? What is your idea?"

AL: "Well, we were thinking that instead of the pitcher hitting..."

MLB: "Go on,"

AL: "Instead of the pitcher hitting, we thought that it would be really cool if we could have someone hit in the pitcher place...for the entire game. We could call it the designated hitter."


....something along those lines. And Poof! The Designated Hitter was born and baseball was saved. Now a lot of people (strange National League fans) will say, "We play pure baseball. The DH isn't how baseball is suppose to be played." And I say to you, once dunking was outlawed in basketball. Oh, and the forward pass was also illegal for a time in the NFL.

So in summation...Get with the times National League, or the times will catch up with you. You think about that


Cheese Curds & Football said...
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leis0077 said...

I dont remember any pitcher hitting 20 home runs in a year...do you?

Cheese Curds & Football said...

That position is understandable, but it does not take into account the moral aspects of the counter-position.

pchamp said...

the big z hits dongs