Friday, April 17, 2009

The Power Stache: revisited

Now I know a lot of you read the post about mustache's and how sweet they are. I know this because a lot of you have came up to me with the same question, "Are you still growing the mustache?" The answer for you, my faithful followers, is a resounding YES! You're damn right I still have this thing on my face. I'm still not sure how long I'm going to sport the 'stache. The pros are that it is obviously a chick magnet and so far the bouncers at the bars really don't check my ID (am I there too often?) Also I smashed a triple in my first intramural softball at bat (it would have been a easy homerun but I'm a team player. I wanted the person behind me to hit me in). There is only one con about having this carpet above my lip is that it's dirrty. It is truly anyone's guess how long this little guy will have a home, but for now the 'stache lives on!

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