Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tuesday Trash: Drivers on Highway 52

You know who you are. The ones that sit in the fast lane going the speed limit while I am behind you going crazy because you wont get over into the right lane. Oh, really? You are on the phone now? Is that why you don't see me behind you? Is this phone call really that important that you can't get over into the other lane and not cause accidents?

A word of advice to these people...use your rear view mirror. That's all you need to do, trust me it works. You can then see if anyone is behind you. It's amazing I know! And then once you get really good at looking in your rear view mirror you can move up to using your side mirrors. Oh, how much fun will that be! Just imagine, a brand new driving world with mirrors...I suppose all of that would be wishful thinking as we will always encounter our share of bad drivers and I'm sure I have done a few dumb things while driving. But nothing compares to what I experienced on Easter Sunday between approximately 7 and 8 pm.

First I want to have the disclaimer that not all women are bad drivers, but there are definitely those out there that ruin it for the good women drivers. I encountered one such terrible female driver and it was nothing like I have ever seen before. Let me set up the scene for you, A type of driver that I mentioned above was in front of me in the left lane going 68 or so, something like that. We were going fast enough to pass cars but it would take awhile, I think you get the picture. Well this college aged woman was behind me and apparently have places to be. Now, there was a reason why I stayed in the left lane even though I was not going as fast as I wish I could have. Even if I wanted to turn into the right lane and try to pass the car that way I couldn't because the car in the right lane was going just slow enough to not allow me to get back into the left lane while passing the car pissing me off.

Still with me? Good.

So this girl tried to do what I told you I couldn't do and remember, she was behind me to start with so there was no way she could pass two cars. She didn't do this once, not twice, not tree times, try seven. It was amazing. It was like she was a test mouse that just couldn't figure out the maze. She repeatedly tried to do something that was impossible to do. And because she was so erratic, cars behind me had to swerve off of the road to avoid behind hit. I can't make this up folks.

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